Advantages of a Dental Answering Service
How does a dedicated dental answering service (DDAS) differ from a standard call center service? Standard call centers are trained to handle different tasks such as answering the phone, billing, taking orders, and forwarding messages. Still, they lack dental training, which can result in missed appointments and lost patients. By understanding the patient’s needs and […]
How Outsourcing is Benefiting Dental Practices
After the emergence of Covid-19, all small and large scale businesses were affected in one way or another. Dental clinics were no exception, and with limited staff, the owners had to revise their workforce strategy for finding an efficient way to reach out to patients, book appointments, and so much more. During that time, outsourcing […]
The Benefits of Using a Verifications Team
Imagine a world where you don’t have to manage patients’ dental insurance verification in your practice. It sounds like a dentist’s nirvana, right? But it is far from reality. This is where getting dental insurance support can benefit your practice. Dental insurance support is a dedicated service that submits the insurance claims, completes regular follow-ups, […]
Faster Insurance Payments for Your Dental Practice
As dental cover becomes more available in recent times, it’s more important than ever to find faster ways to receive payments from dental insurance. The idea of fee-for-service dental practices is long outdated since almost 90% of all dental practices are now joined with one or more insurance plans. Though dentists are paid at a […]
How Profitable is Adding More Hygiene?
As a dental practice, you are probably looking for ways to improve your cash flow. To achieve this goal, you can do many things. One of the most effective is patient recall. According to a study, improvements in a practice’s recall strategy can enhance patient retention by 10 to 15 percent. The success of patient […]
9 Tips to Reduce Your Overhead
Unnoticed small expenses can accumulate and take away a significant piece of your business’s profit. You must evaluate your business expenses and the value that they add to your business. Business expenses fall into either the overhead cost or operating cost category. Understanding the difference between the two is important because they impact your business’s […]
What do Dentists Share on Social Media?
Social media is undoubtedly one of the best yet most challenging demands of the digital world. Where wider accessibility is made possible, sudden innovations complicate adapting to every new trend. But as a large percentage of the population is social media users, it is clear that disregarding its importance will amount to losing potential customers. […]
Letting Your Phone Ring is Hurting Your Practice
According to Invoca, 65% of customers prefer contacting a business via a phone call instead of through email or message, which means that most of your customers and potential customers will first get in touch with you via a telephone call. Most customers will make a call to confirm or reschedule an appointment instead of […]
Why Outsource Your Dental Insurance Verifications
Dental insurance verification can be a time-consuming task, taking up most of your day since you have to manually go through your patients’ files and confirm the accuracy of their information. Fortunately, you can lessen your workload by letting a third-party expert take care of this task. Outsourcing your dental insurance verification allows you to […]
6 Ways to Effectively Tap Onto Your Inactive Patients’ List
As a medical professional, you must bring new patients to your clinic and offer them effective treatment. However, as a rule of any business, it is more vital that you build a loyal customer base from your existing patients. But what are you supposed to do if you have inactive patients? To tap on inactive […]